Our Blog.
How Can a Writer’s Community Help You Co-Create Books?
How Can a Writer’s Community Help You Co-Create Books?
Co-Author A Book With Us and Express Your Viewpoint
Co-Author A Book With Us and Express Your Viewpoint
How co-creation helps create an impact in the reader’s mind
How co-creation helps create an impact in the reader’s mind
Top 5 Reasons Why You Need To Collaborate With a Book publisher
Top 5 Reasons Why You Need To Collaborate With a Book publisher
What is the easiest, simplest and quickest way of authoring books?
Do you want to write a book? Do you think it will be a tedious job and you might quit halfway through? There is a new way of authoring books. I am not talking about going to the publisher with your manuscript or writing an e-book. There is an easy, simple and a quick way called ‘Open Authoring’. Have you heard about it? Let me explain.
How to choose a co-author for your book?
Co-authoring a book can be efficient, fun, satisfying but only with the right team.
3 reasons why you should co-author a book.
There’s real power in collaboration. It can take you places you wouldn’t have the confidence to go on your own.
Writing a book? Consider Co-Authoring.
Co-Authoring is Collective Wisdom, and Comes with a Host of Benefits. Read on.
Most new businesses fail. How can we turn this around?
Launch your idea to customers and validate it with them. Long before you build anything.
Open Authoring
Many of us have many unique ideas, but do not know how best to share them with the world. Open Authoring provides an avenue to share these ideas, as part of a published book.