Our Authors.
Nina Vinot
Probiologist | Bacterial Blogger
Nina is an enthusiast of symbioses and microorganisms on a personal mission to spread the good word on the powers of bacteria. Co-chair of the International Probiotics Association Education and Communication Committee, lead of the Consumer Taskforce, member of the scientific advisory board of Agro Food Hi-Tech and Bacterial blogger, she's an eager translator of the science to business and to the public.
Nina's background is scientific. She holds an engineering master's in agronomy from AgroParisTech, the leading school for life sciences in France where she specialized in nutrition. She was involved in human and mice lemur nutrition research at Penn State University, USA, the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), and the National Institute for Agronomic Research (now INRAe).
Her experience in the nutraceuticals industry includes 6 years of successful development of probiotic supplements sales, technical marketing, and training of the sales force and distributors for Probiotical in Europe and totals about 10 years of technical sales of beneficial bacteria in 2022.
Today, she is the international sales director for the French biotech TargEDys—from Probiotics to PreciBiomics—the ambassador of precision probiotics, harnessing and translating science to products to bring the microbiome to the heart of healthcare. TargEDys is mostly known and recognized for Hafnia alvei HA4597, and its proven efficacy in weight management through the molecular mimicry of the hormone of satiety alpha-MSH by the bacteria metabolite ClpB.