Do You Want to Publish Your Book on Your Own Terms? We Are Here to Help!

If you are reading this article, you must be an author, an aspiring writer or someone who has definitely at some point in their lives thought about writing and publishing a book. The first question that pops into any author’s mind is how do I get my book published? Should I approach a traditional publisher through an agent or should I try self-publishing my book? Honestly, there are advantages and disadvantages to both. You must equip yourself with all the information that you can gather before taking one or the other route.

Let’s lay out some of the major advantages and disadvantages of a traditional publisher first. If a traditional publisher accepts your manuscript for publication, you don’t have much to worry about. There are teams of resources at the publisher’s disposal who will guide you through all the crucial stages of book publishing, including copyediting, proofreading, cover design, marketing and ofcourse sales. In return for all the services they offer for free, they share a small amount of royalty on book sales, between 10 and 15 percent, with you. While this is well and good, traditional publishers don’t allow extensive creative control over your book. Your book may get lost on bookshelves or never find enough readers, if the publisher decides to de-prioritize the marketing of your book, and finally the royalty shared is much less compared to what you may make by self-publishing your book.

What about self-publishing?

If you decide to self-publish your book, you are in control of the entire publishing process from start to end. This would not only include editing, proofing, designing and marketing but also printing and selling. All of this at your own cost to service providers with no support from anyone. On the upside, having overall control enables you to have creative freedom, earn a much higher share of royalty if your book does well, helps you create a fan base and get noticed by traditional publishers. On the downside, it will cost you a lot with no guarantee of higher returns, you might not be able to get enough visibility with bookstores, distributors or wholesalers, who usually have exclusive deals with publishers and finally lack of support system of any kind. If you are self-publishing your book, you are completely on your own trying to figure out how to maneuver each and every step of the publishing process. Phew! That can be exhausting.

Is there another alternative combining the advantages of both kinds of publishing? You bet there is. This is where LetsAuthor as a publishing platform comes in. Not only do you get to have complete creative control over the book you would like to publish, you also find a community of supportive editors guiding you along the way and a much higher royalty share. We divide our profits from book sales equally, which means you and your team of co-authors get 50% of the profits we make. That’s incredible, isn’t it. As a publisher, we lie at the intersection of traditional and self-publishing. How is that possible? It’s simple, really!

You can use our platform to start writing your book, either by yourself or with a group of other like-minded writers. Once your book is 25% ready, we will help you set up a crowdfunding page on our platform for achieving a mutually agreed-upon number of copies pre-ordered for your book. As soon as you achieve this target, complete the manuscript and submit the same to us, you no longer have to worry about your book. We will take care of everything for you. Our team of editors, proofreaders, designers, marketers, and sellers will help your book get the attention it rightfully deserves.

Crowdfunding your book also enables you to market your book and get your friends, peers, colleagues, and family members to recommend your book to interested readers. What better way to get eyeballs on your book than have your own squad of cheerleaders helping you along the way! We will be discussing more about crowdfunding your book to getting it published in more articles soon. Stay tuned!

Throughout this innovative new publishing process, you will have a vibrant support system in us cheering you on every step of the way.

So if you are thinking of writing that book, trust us, pick up your pen and paper and we will get you there.

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