Associate Professor, University of Florence. Member of Scientific Council of Toscana Life Science.
Prof. Amedei graduated in 1996 with full marks and honours in Biology at Florence University. He started his scientific career studying the role of Th1/Th2 lymphocytes in GVHD, atopic dermatitis and kidney rejection. Thereafter he examined the role of Helicobacter pylori-specific immune response in gastric diseases. In 2003 he began his doctor’s degree in "Clinical and Experimental Medicine". In 2005 he became a researcher at the Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine (University of Florence), where in 2015 he was appointed Associate Professor.
Recently, Prof. Amedei has focused his scientific interests on cancer immunology and the role of the microbiome. The quality of his international profile is documented by his scientific production: 172 peer reviewed articles (h-index: 54 and 9,627Citations), 7 book chapters and one patent (see: ResearchGate).
Prof. Amedei is serving as editorial board member of 30 international journals, as Referee of 43 Journals, as Co-Editor-Chief of one Journal. He carries out activities as scientific reviewer for international research projects of private and public entities. Since 2016, he is in the Scientific Council of “Toscana Life Sciences” (TLS). To date he has received more than € 6 million through proposals funded by several funding agencies, including the European Commission, Italian Ministry of Health, Tuscany Region, Nasa, and local and international Foundations.